If You Want To Succeed In Life, Distance Yourself From These 4 Toxic Personalities

When looking at the success I like to see it as a recipe, you need motivation, some self-discipline, hard work and most importantly, good company.
Imagine living in a world where we were given a group of people who were to be our friends, lovers, family and coworkers all throughout life – never being able to switch it up or meet new people. Imagine we were forced into keeping those people around us until we eventually passed on. The thought alone terrifies me!
Luckily in this life, we are given a choice and are fortunate enough to choose the people we surround ourselves with. Whether you know it or not, the people you choose to surround yourself with have an effect on the way you perceive reality, so avoiding negative people and surrounding yourself with positive people will evidently help you see the world in a more positive way. You should surround yourself with the optimists and goal chasers in life, these people love motivating those around them to succeed and love celebrating the success of their friends.
Sometimes it’s hard to notice toxic people as they can come off as friendly and kind at first, and before you know it you’re stuck in a relationship which doesn’t help you grow, it only hinders your growing process.
Here are 4 toxic personalities to look out for and distance yourself from
1.The Complainers
These people are the worst! They always have something or someone to complain about. They are always noticing the cracks and flaws in life and hardly ever have something positive to say. Their system has been set to pessimism. They are the whiners in life, the ones who whine about almost everything and never do anything about it. They are constantly giving off negative vibrations and those vibrations are extremely contagious. Those negative vibrations end up molding the perceptions of those around them, and eventually you begin to see life they way they do, in a “nothing is good enough” way.
2.The Conformists
These people are the ones who are complacent, the ones who work 45 hours a week at a job they don’t enjoy. They wake up, eat, go to work, come home, eat, sleep and repeat. They live within the constraints society has put into place for them, never setting any personal goals or trying to achieve them. They are completely content with their work, eat, sleep lifestyle.
3.The Entitled Ones
These are the ones who believe that the are entitled to everything great that life has to offer. They never go the extra mile and have high expectations. When people around them are succeeding, they become envious which eventually becomes destructive. They end up projecting the negative emotions they have created from not succeeding, onto you. These are the kind of people that kill any form of motivation because they have none. All because they have this warped idea that the world favors everyone else except them.
4. Doubters
Doubt is another form of pessimism, just a little more subtle. They always have some made up theory as to why something isn’t going to work out. They’re convinced that only extraordinary people can achieve extraordinary things – truth is, anyone can achieve extraordinary things, it’s just up to us to go out and get it!
You can’t avoid these personality types as the world is full of them, that’s what makes it so colorful.
However, you can choose whether or not you want to keep them around in your life. Sometimes you have to pause, take a look at those around you and assess the impact they have on you and your life.
If you want to succeed, you need to surround yourself with people who celebrate success and who will motivate you to be the best version of yourself.