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Is Zika A Mosquito-Born Pandemic?

Over the past month or so, the Zika virus -a virus spread by mosquitos of the Aedes family that usually causes fairly mild, flulike symptoms in those infected with it- has taken the world by storm. The World Health Organization (WHO) has…

THIS is Your Brain on CBD

With all of the research being done on the effects of cannabis on the human body, one specific compound is really showing a lot of promise for health benefits. CBD is one of over 60 compounds naturally found in cannabis. The other…

Unlocking the Secrets to a Longer Life

Throughout history, there has always been a quest to extend our time here on earth through any means necessary. From the search for the fictional Fountain of Youth to modern medical miracles, the search for longevity is part of the human…

Why Everyone Needs A Himalayan Salt Lamp

If you’ve got respiratory allergies like me, you spend a fair amount of time figuring out how to make your life less sneezy, less wheezy, and less sniffly. Respiratory allergies are no fun and no joke: besides the need to carry tissues…

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