Psychologists Recommend Mothers Should Take Breaks Also Known as “Mom-cations”

It is universally known that mothers are some of the most hard-working people in the world.

A mother works 24 hours a day throughout the whole year, and the job comes with a substantial amount of emotional and financial stress.

“Mom-cation”, a recent trend made popular by social media, is a brief vacation where moms travel together or solo without their family. While the “mom-cation” can be a fun trip for mothers, psychologists now suggest that moms traveling on their own can improve their family relationships in the long run.

Mothers should be aware that taking mom-cations can also help them improve their own well-being.

Experts say that taking mom-cations can also be useful for the other members of the family. Psychology professor Dr. Nava Silton states: “it’s very important for kids to see that balance that ideally needs to be achieved in a family situation”.

Motherhood does not only involve raising a child but also keeping the house in order, being present at all school activities, making meals, planning the week and so on.

A mom can often feel as if she is the only person that can keep the kids on a schedule and manage the household.

Before taking a trip, the mother can devise a care plan for the spouse, members of the family, or friends who will be caring for the children.

Once she returns home from her mom-cation the mom will feel well rested and refreshed. One mother says: “I came back and I was a better mom. A more patient mom. A better wife. You learn to appreciate what you have at home because you got that break from it all”

Taking as little as a couple of days from the hardships of life or even going out for a coffee with a friend every now and then can greatly improve a mother’s mental, physical, and emotional health. Check it out for yourself!

Have you ever taken a mom-cation? How did you feel after returning?

Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comment section below. 

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