Mind Detectives: You Can’t Lie To An Empath Because They Already Know The Truth

One interesting aspect of a highly sensitive empath is that they can become a sort of living lie detector.

They can discern whether you are telling the truth through their unique abilities.

An empath has an ability to read the emotions of others, and feel what they are feeling. Because they are well-attuned to sensing and feeling the overall emotional state of those around them, almost constantly, they begin to develop a deep level of interpersonal intelligence.

Adioma defines interpersonal intelligence as “the ability to understand and interact effectively with others. It involves effective verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to note distinctions among others, sensitivity to the moods and temperaments of others, and the ability to entertain multiple perspectives.”

This ability can become frustrating for an empath. Oftentimes, those around us, even those who we are closest to, hide their true feelings, intentions, and motives. When this happens, an empath becomes conflicted. They see what lies beneath the mask, and they hope for an honesty they rarely receive.

It is best to tell the truth when you’re around an empath, because to be honest, they’re the best mind detectives around.

Here’s why:

1. They Know When You Are Being Insincere

You can’t hide behind a smile, or wear a mask of happiness when you are genuinely jealous of someone else. An empath can sense insincerity from a mile away. Even if you think you have everyone else fooled, they know otherwise.

2. They Know When You Are Not ‘Okay’

Even after you’ve said “I’m fine” for the thousandth time, an empath will know that you’re anything but “fine.” All they want is for a little transparency to shine through. If there’s anyone you can open up to and trust, it is an empath.

3. They Hear Everything

Even the things you don’t say. The way your voice rises, the slight hesitation, the change in tone- all of these things are picked up and noticed by an empath. Furthermore, they know exactly what your silence means when you choose to say nothing at all.

4. They Know When You Aren’t Being Authentic

We each have an authentic and unique identity, yet some people are afraid to let their true selves out into the world. Empaths recognize an inauthentic person, and they see all the beauty in you that you can’t. Allow yourself to be who you truly are when you are around an empath and you won’t regret it.

5. They Recognize Negative People Instantly

One thing about an empath that is impossible to hide, is their ability to spot a negative person. Negative people create and thrive on drama and chaos. An empath will immediately create boundaries and distance themselves from anyone who tries to bring negativity into their space.

6. They See It In Your Eyes

An empath can see right through you, so it is always best to be one hundred percent honest and upfront with them. If you are hurting, they can see it. If you are going through a hard time, they see that too. Empaths are able to look you in the eyes and inherently know, deep down inside, exactly how you feel.

There is no reason why you should ever have to be dishonest with an empath. They are some of the most compassionate and caring individuals on this planet. If anyone is going to understand you and be non-judgmental about you and your life, it is an empath.

So, don’t waste your time or energy trying to lie to them. The empath already has you figured out.

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