Hugging is The Most Beautiful Form of Communication

7 Reasons Why Hugs Are Important For Our Overall Well-being According To Science

“But I’m here to let you know

That I’ll love you as you deserve

I’ll treat you right

And on a cold, cold night

I’ll shower you in hugs & kisses

And soup”

― Talia Basma, Being

Which is the most effective way of expressing love?

Saying “I love you” to someone is the most obvious way to express your feelings for them. Still, it’s not the best one. After all, words mean nothing if they don’t mirror our actions. Here is why we could express our feelings to someone through gestures. One of the easiest things to do that is just to hug the person we love. Hugging is a great way to show satisfaction, happiness, and affection because it involves establishing a close physical connection with the other person. And that’s not all, it turns out that hugs are of great importance for our overall-wellbeing.

According to Virginia Satir, a well-known author, and therapist hugs are vital for our survival and personal growth.  They turn out to be essential for someone’s health and comfort as well. There are studies on the topic which also confirm the benefits of hugging. According to one of them, hugs boost our positive emotions

Here are 7 other reasons why hugs are extremely important for our wellbeing:

1. Relieve emotional pain

If you are sad, depressed or grieving over loss hugs can actually help you overcome the pain. Hugging can make you feel more relaxed and balance your emotions, which is necessary if you are going through a difficult period.

2. Hugs benefit our overall health

According to a study conducted in 2014, hugging every day can decrease our levels of stress and stimulate the immune system. People who received hugs on a daily basis had a stronger immune system which means they were less likely to get sick. Here is why hugging is very important for overall health.

3. Lower Stress

Hugs have a positive effect on our mental well-being. By reducing our cortisol levels, hugs calm fears and help us relax. They can improve our mood and make us feel calmer in a stressful situation.

4. Relieve Anxiety and Boosts Confidence

People who suffer from anxiety would definitely feel more relieved after being hugged. This is also confirmed by scientists who proved that hugs can ease the fear in unconfident people.

Here is what psychological scientist and researcher Sander Koole of VU University Amsterdam said for Psychologicalscience:

“Interpersonal touch is such a powerful mechanism that even objects that simulate touch by another person may help to instill in people a sense of existential significance.”

5. Hugs are a means of communication 

We normally communicate with other people verbally or with facial expressions. However, people can also send messages to each other through touch.

A study claims that people who don’t know each other can send and receive messages by touching different parts of their bodies. Some of the emotions that can be expressed this way are hatred, worry, disgust, admiration, appreciation, joy, sorrow, and compassion.

Here is why hugging which is very comforting could easily help us express our appreciation and warm feelings for another person.

6. Activate Chakras of the body

Surprisingly, hugging can activate some of the most important chakras of our body like for instance the Solar Plexus Chakra. Hugs can also stimulate our thymus gland, and this way provoke our body to produce more white cells.

7. Help the Parasympathetic System Function Properly

Another important benefit of hugging is the fact it could change our skin. The galvanic skin response of someone who has been hugged or is hugging someone else shows a change in this person’s skin conduction. The result is higher levels of humidity and electricity of the skin which suggest that the parasympathetic nervous system functions better.

Undoubtedly, giving hugs makes us and our loved ones happier and healthier.

So, hopefully, you will now be more likely to give hugs to your close people more often.

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