Walmart Employee Accuses Her Coworkers Of Racism Over Loudspeaker And Quits In Mic Drop Video

Walmart employee calls out her racist coworkers and quits over the intercom.

  • The woman recorded her resignation on video and uploaded it on Twitter.
  • In the video, she calls out her racist coworkers and comments on the poor management at Walmart. 
  • Her resignation video has caused a stir as Twitter users have clashing views. 

Shana Raglan’s resignation from Walmart went viral on Twitter.

The Walmart employee recorded herself making an announcement over the intercom. In this announcement, she began to call out all of her coworkers and employers as she said: “Attention all Walmart shoppers, associates, and managers. My name is Shana from Cap 2, and I just want to come on here and say Henry is a racist, stinky prick. Giovanna is racist. Elias is a prick of a manager.” She went further, claiming that Walmart ‘fires Black associates for no reason”. Raglan continued calling out her coworkers, pointing out that racism is not the only problem: “And Jimmy from Sporting Goods, Joseph the cashier, Larry from the Garden Center: You are all perverts, and I hope you don’t talk to your daughters the way you talk to me.” Finally, she concluded with “I f***ing quit.”

Raglan’s video can be seen below:

For those who doubt the legitimacy of Raglan’s video, a Walmart customer also recorded parts of the resignation:

Twitter users had mixed feelings about Raglan’s resignation video.

While some praised Raglan’s bravery, others noted that she may not be able to find another job as a result of this video. Moreover, many claimed that an investigation into Walmart’s management is needed; otherwise, Raglan could be accused of (and sued for) slander.

Some were grateful that she stepped up and pointed out the discrimination:

Some thought that she did not think of the consequences at the time:

Others explained that comments cannot be made until an investigation has been conducted:

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