VIDEO: Mayor Pete Buttigieg shut down right’s entire ‘late-term abortion’ argument

Mayor Pete Buttigieg shut down the right’s entire ‘late-term abortion’ argument in a resurfaced viral video. 

Former South Bend, Indiana Mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg has recently gone viral after several appearances on FOX News. More specifically, a video from a Fox News town hall from May of last year has resurfaced on Twitter because of Buttigieg’s response to the right’s late-term abortion argument. According to Second Nexus, ‘Buttigieg was responding to the Republican talking point that Democrats want people to get abortions in their third trimester’. Taking this further, after Buttigieg had argued that it should be a woman’s choice on when to abort her pregnancy, Chris Wallace had said, ‘So just to be clear, you’re saying you would be okay with a woman, well into the third trimester deciding to abort her pregnancy’. 

In response, Pete Buttigieg noted that less than 1% of abortions happen in the third trimester and he further explained:

So let’s put ourselves in the shoes of a woman in that situation. If it’s that late in your pregnancy, then it’s almost by definition, you’ve been expecting to carry it to term. We’re talking about women who have perhaps chosen a name. Women who have purchased a crib, families that then get the most devastating medical news of their lifetime, something about the health or the life of the mother that forces them to make an impossible, unthinkable choice. And the bottom line is, as horrible as that choice is, that woman, that family may seek spiritual guidance, they may seek medical guidance, but that decision is not going to be made any better, medically or morally, because the government is dictating how that decision should be made.

Pete Buttigieg

His response received praise as Twitter users began sharing and applauding Buttigieg’s words:

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