Thank you for being by my side and supporting me throughout the year. Thank you for all your love and care, even though I haven’t been on my best.
Thank you for your patience while I was trying to put all the shattered pieces of my heart back together. Thank you for supporting me in my growth and healing. Thank you for being there for me when life had me knocked down.
My dear friends, thank you for holding the light in the tunnel I was trying to find my way out of.
Thank you for helping me get better. Thank you for lending me your strength when I had none left in me. Thank you for not telling me I’m being oversensitive when I was vulnerable. Thank you for being more than just friends. Thank you for being my other family.
Thank you for sticking with me through the worst. Thank you for being such loyal and trustworthy friends. You are a blessing and I feel privileged and grateful to have you.
Thank you for proving to me, time and time again, that things and people come and go, but real friendships last a lifetime.
You are the reason this year ends with fantastic memories and heartwarming moments. Thank you for all the laughs, all the trips we made and all the photos we captured together.
Thank you for motivating me and rooting for me to succeed.
Thank you for your sincere and beautiful heart.
Thank you for saving me from falling apart by supporting me and giving me precious advice. Thank you for always looking out for me and for reminding me that there are still good people in this world, that pure and loyal friendships still exist.
Thank you for being my friends all these years and many more years ahead.
Thank you for your love.
Thank you for being who you are.
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