Why Am I So Tired? 7 Reasons You Haven’t Thought Of

If you’re asking yourself throughout the day, every day, why you’re so tired, you might want to take a quick glance over these conditions.

Chronic exhaustion can be indicative of a number of different health issues, and you’ll want to seek treatment right away.

1. Sleep apnea.

If you have sleep apnea, you’re waking up -sometimes impercetibly- dozens or even hundreds of times during the night due to obstructions in your airways. Sleep apnea is a condition that requires medical treatment and a special test at a sleep clinic called a ploysomnogram. If you think you may have sleep apnea, wake up a lot unexpectedly during the night, or don’t feel like you’re getting a full night’s sleep, call your doctor.

2. Chronic fatigue syndrome.

People who suffer from CFS -a baffling condition that has no known cause- are often easily exhausted from very little activity. Sometimes even getting through a day at the office is too much for someone with CFS. This must be diagnosed by a doctor, who will likely test to rule out other possibilities before making a diagnosis.

3. Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Otherwise known as “RA”, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that makes the body’s immune system attack healthy tissues in the bones, joints and cartilage. Sounds horrible, right? For sufferers of RA, it can also be chronically exhausting. Many of the symptoms of RA mimic those of other illnesses, so be prepared for a rash of tests at your doctor’s office.

4. Depression.

Much more than simply “the blues” on occasion, depression is a serious mental illness that can severely impact your sleeping habits. Depression can also involve anxiety, changing in eating patterns, and feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. As a sufferer of this illness for whom daily medication has been the remedy, I can attest to the fact that it isn’t just “the blues”, and my inability to sleep or eat before I was put on a medication that was successful led me to drop 24 pounds in two weeks. Scary. Depression can be diagnosed by your doctor or a mental health professional.

5. Diabetes.

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of diabetes, along with a need to urinate frequently, seemingly unquenchable thirst, and weight loss, among others. Basically, in terms of fatigue, diabetes doesn’t allow your body to use or process glucose properly. Glucose, also known as sugar, is the fuel that keeps your body running, so you can probably guess why you feel fatigued if you have undiagnosed diabetes. You’ll need a doctor to test you to see if you have diabetes, and the treatments vary widely.

6. Thyroid problems.

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your throat and is largely involved with hormone regulation. If your thyroid is out of whack, your hormones probably are, too. Hormones regulate sleep cycles, so it’s a pretty simple connection to make: your thyroid is unwell, so it is wreaking havoc for the rest of your system.

7. Anemia.

Fatigue due to anemia comes from a lack of red blood cells in your body. Red blood cells oxygenate the organs in your body, constantly replenishing them with new supplies of oxygen, so if your red blood cells aren’t plentiful enough to get the job done, you’re going to feel fatigued, as well as possibly weak, short of breath, listless and in poor temper. See your doctor if you think this is a possibility, as anemia can be a serious health problem and only a doc can diagnose you properly.

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