This Goes To The Girl Who Thinks She Isn’t Enough

You’re worthy of greatness, even if you don’t see it yet.

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

This goes out to the girl who thinks she isn’t enough,

Every time a person I know has a baby girl, I find myself in deep prayer, hoping she will grow into a confident woman who knows her true worth. And I know that when you’re young and trying to find your purpose in this world, your inadequacy can shout much louder than your talents.

Every day I wake up I force myself to think that I am enough, but there still are days where I am overwhelmed by my lack of self-confidence. I used to think that one day I would reach the point where I would always feel whole. But I have realized that this is not simply a feeling, but a choice one has to make consciously.

If you have not yet chosen to be worthy and deserving of everything good life has to offer, you will remain a prisoner of your own false narrative. You have much more to offer to this world than you may think, believe me.

There are times when I find myself dreaming about what the world would be like if we chose to believe that the way we were made by God is more than enough.

Because even though we are all sinners we are saved, deserving of forgiveness, and enough. We are worthy, precious, and significant.

Every single person in this world could affirm your worth and value, but if you don’t choose to believe it in your heart, you won’t believe anyone.

Dear girl who thinks she is not enough,

Believe me, you are enough the way you are.

You have so much to offer this world. Your beauty, your talents who could only come from your hands, your wonderful mind.

I hope you choose to believe that you are enough because the world will be a much better place if you do.

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