There is beauty in simplicity. You can have a simple life and still be prospering, growing, and achieving.
Some of the greatest humans in history have lived in modesty, proving that you don’t need to have it all… to have it all.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
Leonardo da Vinci
Today’s world is full of opportunities, second chances, sales, buy-one-get-one-free promotions, Black Fridays, and so many other things that give us the illusion that we need more. You believe you need another pair of sneakers, even though you already have more than enough. You feel like you need that designer bag only because it’s on sale. You buy a large caramel, cinnamon, honey, brown sugar latte at a fancy café for the price of at least three regular coffees only to follow a ridiculous trend.
The truth is you don’t need any of those things. However, the consumer society we are a part of doesn’t give you enough time and space to decide for yourself whether you need something or not. Instead, it forces you to open your wallet and tricks you into believing that you have no other choice.
Though, this is not something new. It was ongoing back in the times of industrial capitalism, with the rise of the factory system of production. At the time, the population was strongly encouraged to buy more stuff, from necessities to things they never knew they needed(maybe because they didn’t). Nowadays, this tendency continues to affect millions of people. This explains why with every single day, we become more and more disconnected from the things and people that actually bring value to our life. In a way, we become more disconnected from ourselves as well.
However, there might be a light at the end of the tunnel.
In the last few years, we are witnessing a growing interest in the benefits of simple living.
“There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness, and truth.”
Leo Tolstoy
People are more frequently drawn to the idea that less is more. Some long for the old days when a person wasn’t valued by their possessions, but by their mentality. Others believe that a simple lifestyle makes you a better person, as it promotes moderation, frugality, and self-reliance. For a few, it may be an interesting trend to follow. Whatever their reasons are, many are rediscovering the benefits of simplicity.
We are still constantly bombarded by advertisements everywhere we go – even at home. Online shopping became a massive deal, especially with the numerous COVID-19 lockdowns. Even though we didn’t leave our homes for months, we still found ways to spend money on items we have no use of.
But we also realized that we can live with a lot less than we used to. Buying a sugar-loaded expensive coffee became impossible, so we started making our coffees at home. Going to the mall was not an option, so we were satisfied with the clothes we already had. Meeting up with friends and family whenever we wanted to become a challenge, so we started cherishing the ones we love and the time we spend with them much more than we used to.
Somehow, as we didn’t really have a choice but to embrace simple living, we understood what simplicity is the key to finding balance in our everyday lives.
“Simplicity is the essence of happiness.”
Cedric Bledsoe
Millions of people have come to the life-changing realization that the art of simple living once again becomes a necessity. Despite the undeniable fact that we are a consumer society, the pandemic taught us how to focus on the essentials. We have become much more mindful of what we are purchasing, how much waste we produce, how to reconnect with nature and lead healthier lifestyles. All of these small changes have made us a little more satisfied with the things we already have.
Truthfully, that’s the beauty of simplicity – being happy with what you have. If you are unable to appreciate the things you already have and the people who are there for you now, you will never be content with your life.
To live simply, you don’t have to get rid of all the designer clothes, lavish furniture, or luxury goods you have. If they add value to your life, keep them. But in the meantime, make sure you don’t overlook the things that truly matter and focus on the aspects that encourage you to work on your personal growth. Growing a fortune means nothing when you don’t grow as a person.