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How “3D” Thinking Creates Abundance

Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw once said, “Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.”  Luckily, we live in a time of phenomenal possibilities. Today you can create and manifest your highest intentions and…

5 Ways to Deal With Verbal Abuse at Work

Verbal abuse in the workplace is bullying.  And while we won’t hesitate to intervene if we witness a child being bullied, the workplace is a different landscape, isn’t it?  An astounding  72 percent of the adult  Americans are familiar…

Why and How to Stop Snoring

Your snoring is not only annoying your partner - it is also harming your mind and body. Because snoring decreases both the quality and quantity of your sleep, it can contribute to depression, weight gain, heart disease, mental health…

5 Keys to Tame a Wandering Mind

The topic of ADHD is a touchy one for a lot of people, myself included. Mainly, because I think that it is an over-used diagnosis in kids and now even in adults. I'll admit, the first time I heard about "adult-level" ADHD I thought to…

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