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4 Phrases to Empower Your Child

Although it may not always seem like it, your children really do listen to you. They soak up your every word, even when you do not think they are paying attention. Most of us use this knowledge in order to limit the bad things they hear.…

5 Ways to Deal With Verbal Abuse at Work

Verbal abuse in the workplace is bullying.  And while we won’t hesitate to intervene if we witness a child being bullied, the workplace is a different landscape, isn’t it?  An astounding  72 percent of the adult  Americans are familiar…

Five Tips for Learning a New Language

When I was a child, my father was stationed in Italy for three years. I was lucky to have the chance to learn Italian through immersion, which is commonly regarded as the most effective way to master a language. I was also eight years old…

10 Terms Of Endearment Used By Shakespeare

Terms of endearment are words we use to lovingly describe someone, or their behaviours. A lot of the same ones get thrown around and used repeatedly till they sometimes lose their meaning. If you're looking for some new words to use to…

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