Soulmates and destiny? If you believe in those two things you are more likely to ‘ghost’ a romantic partner
What is ghosting again?
It’s the sudden cutting off of a romantic partner or interest- via social media, primarily. When someone doesn’t return a call or a text…and it’s been two weeks, yes, that is exactly it.
Furthermore, it has become an increasingly interesting topic in modern times, as it is a phenomenon happening mostly online, as mentioned above. Moreover, research suggests that this practice is interconnected with people’s belief in destiny, as well as the existence of ‘soulmates‘.
The Study
The aforementioned study revolves around the underlying two theories regarding the realm of romantic relationships. It is concluded that people who generally believe in the concept of destiny are more likely to have the binary perception that partners are either compatible or not. Therefore, the relationships which start do not start on a great foot are in other words ‘doomed for failure’.
Furthermore, in contrast, there are individuals who support the assumption that relationships develop over time, having gotten over many obstacles together. Said obstacles, in their point of view, adds to the effect of making the relationship stronger.
Gili Freedman, a postdoc at Dartmouth College and co-author of the aforementioned study said: “If you think that you should find your soulmate, you have stronger destiny beliefs.”
Results and conclusion
A survey of 554 participants (Amazon’s Mechanica Turk) found strong correlating qualities between the “destiny belief” and the individuals who express that ‘ghosting’ is a reasonable way in which a romantic relationship can be terminated (a good part of them saying they have previously ghosted a partner).
Another survey, including 747 participants (Prolific Acamedic) replicated the findings of the previous one and extended the research to friendships. Therefore, those who are likely to ghost a romantic partner are also more likely to ghost a friend.
In both surveys, stronger growth beliefs were associated with more negative attitudes toward ghosting.
“Taken together, the present research indicates that implicit theories of relationships are a factor in how individuals view ghosting as a relationship termination method,” the authors of the study said. The discoveries are, in turn, “consistent with the possibility that destiny theorists are more likely to act decisively on their relationship once deciding it is not ‘meant to be‘.‘”
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