10 incredible signs he’s a real keeper and you should never let him go

You can’t stop thinking about him. Your friends actually believe he’s great for you, and your parents love him. Yet, you’re still not completely sure if he is there for the long run.

Sadly, too many times your trust and your heart have been broken, and now you’re not sure what to believe in. But this man has nothing to do with your past relationships. He’s kind, genuine, and treats you like the queen you are.

Are you still wondering if he’s the one?

Here are 10 signs the man you love is a real keeper.

1. He always checks up on you.

If you’re going on a work trip, or something comes up, and you can’t see each other for a few days, he texts you a healthy amount of times to see how things are going. Not to mention, he sends you the sweetest good-morning messages ever. This shows he really cares about you, and he wants to know you’re feeling okay.

2. He doesn’t mind your quirks.

You feel absolutely free to be yourself around him, even if this means you’re being excessively weird. Not only he’s perfectly fine with all of your peculiarities, but he even loves you a little bit more for them. This freedom to be as funky, clingy, or emotional around him as you wish, is truly priceless.

3. He has a whopping collection of photos of you two.

He’s definitely not one of the guys who hate to post photos with their girlfriends on social media. In fact, his phone is full of pictures of you yawning, smiling, making the weirdest facial expressions, and maybe a few where you look stunning too. Moreover, he has lots of cute photographs of you two kissing, hugging, and being silly in front of the camera. Undoubtedly, he loves to show you off because in his eyes you’re always absolutely gorgeous. Yes, even in the morning, when your hair is messy, and you don’t wear any makeup.

4. He’s genuinely interested in your life.

He loves listening to you telling him about your day, and he actively participates in the conversation. Even if your job has nothing to do with the field he’s in, he’s still interested in it because it takes a major part of your life. He wants to be invested in you as much as you are in him because that’s what real couples do.

5. He wants you to be a part of his friends’ group.

Boys will be boys whatsoever, but he genuinely wants you to hang with his friends and feel comfortable around them. He loves seeing you get along with his pals. He even finds it sexy when you talk about sports, games, or whatever quirky things he’s into with them. Moreover, you being friendly, and spending time with the people in his circle is a great sign you want to be a significant part of his life, and shows him how much he means to you.

6. He loves talking about you.

The man you’re in love with is truly grateful for having you in his life. He knows how lucky he is to have someone so special alongside him, and he never misses a chance to share this with his friends or his family. What’s more, he’s so thrilled about your relationship that he even encourages his friends to consider the many benefits of a long-term commitment with the right person.

7. He doesn’t feel intimidated by demonstrating his love for you.

There are a lot of men that feel embarrassed sharing their romantic side in front of others. However, your man has nothing to do with them. He loves manifesting his love for you in the sweetest ways possible. Plus, he always knows what to do or say to make your heart skip a beat. Showing his affection for you, no matter how cheesy things may get, never makes him question his manhood. He just honestly enjoys being your boyfriend, and he doesn’t mind making it obvious.

8. He is actually someone your friends adore.

Remember all these times your friends were talking you out of a relationship with your previous boyfriends? Are they doing it now? If they don’t, and instead they’re congratulating you for the amazing man you’ve landed, then you’ve hit the ultimate jackpot. After all, our friends see us from a different perspective, and they almost always can feel if something’s off. So, if he has somehow won their hearts, and they’re genuinely happy for you two, then your man is definitely a keeper.

9. He is glad to have you in his life.

Being in a relationship with you is like a badge of honor for him. He truly appreciates every single moment you spend together, and he makes sure you know how much you mean to him. What’s more, instead of feeling he has lost the best years of his single life because of you, he is absolutely grateful for meeting you and making you the most important person in his life.

10. He makes you believe there are still good men out there.

Your man is kind, generous, and gentle. He genuinely cares about you and makes you feel like a queen. On top of that, he also knows how to stand up for himself, fights for what he believes in, and protects the ones he loves. Men like him are living proof that being a gentleman never gets out of style.

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