Practicing the Law of Attraction Or How To Get What You Really Want

Practicing the Law of Attraction Or How To Get What You Really Want

Human beings best make changes to our routines in small ways, by changing habits slightly or incrementally, on a daily basis. This is part of the problem with New Years’ Resolutions: we want to make sweeping changes in our lives, and we try to do it all at once…and we usually fail miserably. The Law of Attraction -the idea that the things, ideas, and people we spend our time and energy on attract more of those things, ideas, people, etc.- has gotten a lot of attention in recent years because of its incredible force in creating positive changes in people’s lives, but many are at a loss as to how to go about implementing it.

What should you do to increase the power of attraction in your life? How can you implement it in a way that will help you attract what you want?

Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to implement the Law of Attraction in your life. By adding a few minutes of changes here and there throughout your day, you can increase the power of attraction in your life…helping you achieve the life you want to live! Here’s how to do it, step-by-step:

1. Wake up:

when you wake up spend a few minutes before you get out of bed visualizing your day in a positive light. What are you going to accomplish today? What to you hope to get out of your day? Take this time to project your day with a focus on positive goals. This is especially helpful on tough Mondays!

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2. Get up and get goal-oriented:

take a minute or two to write down at least one goal for the day. It doesn’t matter what size goal it is, as long as it’s geared towards attracting the life you want. It might be sitting down to write the introduction to your memoir, or inviting a colleague to coffee with whom you’d like to collaborate on an upcoming project, or going to a new yoga class.

3. Practice affirmations:

take 30 seconds to yourself to say an affirmation to yourself in the mirror. It can be a really general one like “today is going to be a great day!” or a really specific one geared to a goal of yours. Saying your affirmations aloud helps cement them into your day, your routine, and your life.

4. Discuss your plans:

when you gather with others, whether it’s around the family breakfast table or getting that first cup of coffee at work, talk about what you want to achieve with as much specificity as possible.

5. Do random acts of kindness:

these acts create greater harmony in the Universe and anchor your positive attraction. As you head out into the world, hold the door for someone, buy the next person’s cup of coffee, compliment a stranger…or make up your own random act of kindness unique to you.

6. Keep the positivity flowing:

once you’ve arrived at work try not to get bogged down or add to others’ negativity; instead, talk about things that excite you, compliment a colleague on a project, and stay cheerful. Your positivity will help increase everyone else’s in the workplace.
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7. Be kind to yourself during your lunch break:

take your lunch break away from your desk or work and eat something nutritionally fulfilling and delicious. If you can, take a few minutes to visualize your goals as you did when you woke up, reinforcing their importance and attraction in the Universe.

8. Keep up the positivity:

the after-lunch lull in the workplace can be tough but is avoidable. Keep spreading positivity with acts of kindness and affirmations throughout the rest of your day.

9. Time for reflection:

after work, as dinner rolls around, talk with your family about the things you enjoyed during the day, and reaffirm your commitment to your goals as you did in the morning.

10. Time out for meditation:

find a comfortable, peaceful space where you can relax your entire body, breathe deeply, and feel at peace and content. If you have any other established meditative practice, this is a good time for that as well.
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11. Write:

try to write down at least five things you are grateful for in a gratitude journal. Committing your gratitude to paper sends that energy into the Universe where like attracts like, and you will create more of those experiences by taking the time to be grateful for them.

Check out this awesome PDF that breaks down these items into time slots to fit into your day!

Worried that the Law of Attraction isn’t happening fast enough? This quick and handy quiz can help you figure out why.

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