New legislation under the Hundeverordnung (Dogs Act) will force dog owners to take their pets on one-hour walks, two times a day.
The Daily Mail has reported that Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner is introducing this new legislation in order to ensure that dogs get the amount of exercise they require. This means that dog owners can no longer take their pets for short trips and walks around the neighborhood. Instead, they need to make sure they walk them twice a day for one hour each time. This law will be put into effect next year after the Agriculture Minister explained that there is evidence that dogs in Germany do not exercise as much as they should on a daily basis.
Klöckner has explained that this law is based on scientific findings.
Apart from not being allowed to take your dogs on a quick walk around the neighborhood, it will also be illegal to keep dogs on leads/chains for lengthy periods. In addition, Klöckner has explained that dogs will not be permitted to stay home alone all day and will therefore, require dogsitters.
Dogs are not cuddly toys. They also have their own needs, which need to be taken into account.
Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner
Unsurprisingly, this has sparked a lot of debate in Germany.
The biggest question surrounding this new legislation is: How exactly would the government be able to ensure that dog owners abide by this law? Daily Mail stated that the Agricultural Ministry has confirmed that local authorities across all of the German states would be responsible for its enforcement.
Even members of Klöckner’s party – the Christian Democratic Union – have shown their disapproval as according to The Guardian Saskia Ludwig, a CDU MP has tweeted the following:
“VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE: I will not be taking my Rhodesian Ridgeback for two rounds of walks in 32 degrees heat, rather we will jump in the river for a refreshing cool down instead.”
SELBSTANZEIGE: Ich gehe mit meinem Rhodesian Ridgeback bei 32
Grad nicht zwei Runden Gassi in #Potsdam, sondern nehme eine erfrischende Abkühlung in der Havel! ☀️ 💦 @drumheadberlin @CaladesiRR— Saskia Ludwig (@SaskiaLudwig17) August 17, 2020