The Narcissist’s code language: 5 red flags to look out for

According to psychologist Marta Stout, 1 in 25 Americans fall into the sociopath category!

Magnetic, caring, and highly intelligent on first sight, a narcissist can rock your world, and then shock you as the charm wears off.

Psychopaths, Sociopaths, and Narcissists are expert manipulators, degrading their prey in order to attain a feeling of superiority for themselves. This can leave their victims in a state of anxiousness, worthlessness, and even cause suicidal thoughts in more heavy cases.

And while some narcissists aren’t at all difficult to spot, with their ‘I shall be the center of attention’ attitude, others are professional manipulators. They are easily able to win your trust and suck you into their world, skilfully playing with your feelings for their own selfish gains. For many people, this is a codified language they are unable to decipher until they have fallen too deep into the trap. 

The damage narcissists can inflict is particularly harmful as it is often even seen as a form of assault!

Only in recent years have experts begun to properly research and understand the Narcissist Victim Syndrome, and the damaging consequences it can have on its victims.

This can mainly be characterized by extreme psychological and emotional misconduct, even though some narcissists do turn to physical attacks as well. The narcissist’s ability to control the way in which they are seen by others allows them to escape responsibility with ease in most cases, manipulating any person their victims may turn for help to into thinking that they could not possibly be guilty of all that cruelty.

This vicious cycle can often leave sufferers blaming themselves, with no alternative. They find it hard to put what they’re going through into words, and even when they manage to do so they choose to withhold the truth due to the fact that outsiders cannot see behind their abuser’s mask.

Arming yourself with knowledge of the tools and language these people use will make it easier to spot them before the issue gets out of hand. It will enable you to set the proper boundaries so you can protect your mental and emotional health.

Beware of the following red flags:

1. Seduction

Some narcissists can be extremely seductive, and not just in a sexual way. They may be good listeners and communicators or suck you into their web with compliments, self-disclosure, and vulnerability – the exact opposite of what you would normally expect from a narcissist.

2. Victimhood

They love putting the victim suit on, getting the attention of all those around them, receiving pity, and every help they can get. Be wary – as soon as you open that door for them, the narcissist is going to remember that and clammer onto you for a continual source of attention. This can be greatly harmful! They will use phrases like “You are so clever,” “I know I can always count on you” or “I am so confused” as a means to communicate the role that you now play in their lives. They refuse to learn methods of correction or to move through any of life’s problems. Instead, they choose to lean on others to do all the work for them.

3. Idealization

Narcissists are often very successful, powerful, good-looking, and sometimes multitalented. It isn’t difficult to understand why people tend to idealize them and want to take part in their glory of exceptionalism, especially those suffering from an inferiority complex. People with low self-worth (for instance codependents) are more prone to idealizing a person they have great admiration for. They may see typical narcissists traits they themselves lack as magnetic, such as bravery and power. The issue is that idealization makes us ignore all the negatives…

4. A lack of energy connection

Your intuition and body are better at character judgment than you might expect! If you feel a certain emptiness when you are around someone as if there is no deeper connection than the superficial words that are being said, the moment has come to take a step back and reevaluate your relationship. They may be convincing in their words, with phrases like “You look great” or “I love you,” but their words feel empty and emotionless when they reach your ears. If their energies don’t match their words, pay close attention, because energy doesn’t lie.

5. Familiarity

If one of your parents was a narcissist, being with a narcissist will feel like home. This attraction manifests beneath consciousness and is commonly referred to as “chemistry.” Through personal therapy, this attraction can disintegrate so that you can spot an abusive or self-centered person with little effort. You might even be thrown off instead of attracted to a narcissist.

Can you think of any ‘how to spot a narcissist‘ tips we may have missed?

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