Heartbreaking Text From A COVID Doctor Is Going Viral Afer June Diane Raphael Shared It on Twitter
June Diane Raphael tweeted screenshots of a heartbreaking text she received from her friend, a COVID doctor.
- The text message is eye-opening as it gives details of what is happening inside COVID hospitals.
- The doctor’s tone is one of desperation, sadness, and hopelessness.
- She explains how she drives through a college town on her way home from work and sees long queues outside local bars.
The famous actress shared screenshots of the conversation and urged people to wear masks.
June Diane Raphael explained that she had asked her best friend – a pulmonary and critical care doctor – how she was doing during the pandemic. She attached screenshots of the doctor’s response and showed people how dire and grave COVID truly is. The doctor’s message is one of desperation, hopelessness, and sadness. That is, she notes how she has sobbed while updating the families of dying patients and how she has driven back from work, only to see long queues outside local bars. She writes that people do not seem to care that they may be killing somebody’s grandparents and that they may be contributing to traumatic experiences. Furthermore, she comments on how utterly shocking and disrespectful it is for there to be such a disconnect between what is happening in hospitals and the surrounding communities.
The doctor’s response can be seen below:
This is the text I just received after asking my best friend ( pulmonary and critical care doctor) how she was doing. #WearAMask #SocialDistance pic.twitter.com/ypcBQH7JPX
— June Diane Raphael (@MsJuneDiane) November 15, 2020
The tweet quickly went viral as Twitter users shared the doctor’s story.
Every "no-masker" should read this. Thank you for posting, June. Very few think of the toll COVID19 has on doctors, nurses, and ALL hospital workers. Patriots? You'll do anything for the country you love but a mask is too much? *face plant*
— Susie (@Groceryhound) November 15, 2020
As a hospice social worker in a major medical system, its terrifying how everyone just thinks this is nothing. Health care workers are experiencing real trauma and expected to do it day after day..
— Cici B. (@sweetpeace13) November 15, 2020
We healthcare workers are burnt out, emotionally & physically spent. In 25 years, I’ve never felt so disrespected or disillusioned. I too live in a college town; these kids will be going home this week all around the state, but at least still warm here so not inside
— gatorswampgirl (@gatorswampgirl) November 15, 2020
Follow the social distancing guidelines and wear a mask to ensure the safety of yourself, your loved ones, and those in your community. Even if you think that COVID is a ‘hoax’, your lack of social responsibility can result in the death and trauma of people around you. The lack of freedom that you feel will be temporary but ignoring the rules put in place can cause irreparable damage and dire consequences.