5 Tips for Emotionally Sensitive People

If you consider yourself to be an emotionally sensitive person, you know exactly how brutal the world can be.

Emotional sensitivity is often perceived as weakness – because emotionalism is thought to be less rational than logic. The truth is, as an emotionally sensitive person, you don’t have a choice. Dr. Elaine Aron, a psychotherapist and researcher, estimates that 15-20% of people experience emotions and stimuli on a much deeper level than others. There is nothing wrong with feeling things on a deeper level than most people. Anytime I consider my own emotionality in my life’s journey I think of a line from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde: ““I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
There is nothing wrong with feeling things on a deeper level than most people. Anytime I consider my own emotionality in my life’s journey I think of a line from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde: ““I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”

In this world of fast-paced, digital, emotionless human interaction – here are some things to keep in mind if you are an emotionally sensitive person:

Maintain “Boundaries” not “Walls”

The old adage “no pain – no gain” seems to be how people these days tackle emotional situations. As an emotional person, it is so easy to just construct impenetrable walls to prevent the possibilities of emotional damage. But what kind of existence is that? Shutting down your connections to other people just leaves you emptier in the end.
Maintaining a comfort zone and allowing people into your world on your own terms at least gives you the opportunity to open up to people, just on your terms.

Quit Looking for a “Fix”

Being emotionally sensitive isn’t a flaw. It is not some condition that you need to be medicated to fix, or some psychosis that requires treatment. In scientific terms, Sensory Processing Sensitivity just means that you think deeply, you feel deeply, and you are easily over-stimulated. There is nothing wrong with that.

Seek out Other Sensitive Souls

By taking solace in other kindred spirits that share the same emotional sensitivity that you are is like having another member on your team. Seek out people that understand your struggles, and share common views. Having someone in your life that is in the same boat you are can often be the best way to move forward through the world.

Stop Suppressing your Sensitivity

A lot of times, because emotionally sensitive people consider themselves “broken”, they try to suppress their unique emotional situation to fit in. Maintaining a zombie-like existence is soul-crushing. Be yourself, and don’t let other people make you feel weird for the fact that you feel more than they do.

Maintain Healthy Habits for Yourself

One of the keys to maintaining a healthy mind is to maintain a healthy body. I know for me, when I am overwhelmed emotionally, I tend to seek out comforts in unhealthy ways. Be it comfort food, extreme sessions at the gym, alcohol, or other self-destructive behaviors, they all add up. Don’t let your emotional weight become an unbearable burden on your body, because that just creates a vicious cycle. Doing thinks like meditating or writing out your thoughts is often times so much more rewarding than trying to sweat out or drown your emotions.

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