5 Types Of Men Who Cheat And How To Spot Them

Realizing that the love of your life has been cheating on you can be a devastating experience.

Cheating is immensely painful because it causes an often irreparable breach of trust between two souls. Healing from such an experience can be incredibly hard for some people and impossible for others. But how can you know for sure if all you have is your gut to rely on? Well, that might be the key… If it doesn’t seem right, it likely isn’t.

Here are 5 types of men who cheat and how to spot them.

1. The player

You’ve surely dealt with someone like this before. He has a group of women he says he’s only friends with that are messaging him at 1am. He follows are the half-naked girls on Instagram and he is always on the lookout for the next hot thing during a night out. He cannot stop flirting with other women and the list goes on. Do not fall for his charm. You are not the one who is going to change him. Get away from there as fast as you can!

2. The power and influence man

You’ve seen this guy around and on TV. Women drool over him because he has power and that has an intoxicating effect on them. However, what he lacks is integrity. He thinks the rules we commonfolk follow do not apply to him. Sooner or later you will regret falling for this guy, so better don’t even go there.

3. The serial cheater

This is the guy who ends all his relationships with cheating. Naturally, he has a hard time staying with one partner for long periods of time, so make sure you do a little dig on his past relationships before committing to anything.

4. The bored cheater

Here we have the guy who is simply bored. He might see you as being boring, or he might be boring himself. Regardless, he might cheat under certain circumstances. This type of man is forgiving and he might feel bad and try to make it up to you. He is likely a one time cheater, which is still painful but at least he does not have a different woman every month.

5. Married you for your looks

Ladies, let’s not pretend you aren’t just as guilty of this but men tend to do it more. They would love to take the kindest and smartest woman home but what they really desire is the hot girl at the bar. Do not fall for such a guy. Connect the dots and see what your gut tells you. If there are plenty of red flags involved, excuse yourself and move on.

We hope this article was of help to you. Let us know your thoughts on the topic by joining the conversation in the comments and please share if you’ve enjoyed the read. 

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