2020 honest recap: What happened so far

Does anyone else feel like 2020 is full of But wait, there’s more” twists?

In less than eight months, we have gone through things that not a single soul has ever asked for. We’re actually still trying to assimilate the first quarter of the year like it all happened yesterday. 

At the beginning of the year, the massive wildfires in Australia, which started in late 2019, burned 18.6M hectares of land and killed around 1 billion animals. Then, the world was threatened by World War III after a US drone hit Baghdad International Airport and took down Iranian major general. But the possibility of global war wasn’t the scariest thing to happen in 2020.

In March, the whole world was hit by the worst pandemic in recent history. Coronavirus has affected over 22 million people worldwide, killing nearly 1 million, and the numbers are still going up. On top of that, at the end of May, a white police officer publicly murdered a black man over a $20 bill, which sparked an enormous wave of protests and demonstrations against racism and police brutality all over the globe.

But wait, there’s more…

An unrevealed netizen has turned the ‘But I got the van’ meme into a quick recap of this year’s twists and turns. Thankfully, another user nicknamed skeeli614 decided to make the summary public. His post went viral in no time with nearly 6,000 upvotes. In an interview with Bored Panda, the Imgur user shared:

“In the 30 years I’ve been alive, I have to say it’s my least favorite year.”

Well, there are still four more months in 2020. Who knows what’s going to happen next…

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