Can you think of anything worse to do with a smart phone than accidentally drop it into the ocean? For Ina Maniska, that is exactly what happened to her a couple weeks ago.
While enjoying a day out in Hammerfest, Norway, Ina and her friends saw something interesting in the water. A beluga whale that had been fitted with a harness was paying Hammerfest a visit.
The whale is a bit of a mystery. Why a whale would be wearing a harness is something experts aren’t sure about. Some think it may be that it was a whale trained by the Russian navy as a spy that was later released or maybe escaped. The whale was later freed of its harness.
Among those who have encountered the whale, the whale’s temperament seems to be polite, friendly, and even kind of cute. Ina and her friends saw that first hand. While trying to pet the friendly whale, her phone fell from her pocket into the water.
“We laid down on the dock to look at it and hopefully get the chance to pat it,” said in an interview with The Dodo. “I had forgotten to close my jacket pocket and my phone fell in the ocean. We assumed it would be gone forever, until the whale dove back down and came back a few moments later with my phone in its mouth!”
The moment the friendly whale brought the phone back to Ina was catpured on video and shared on Instagram.
“Everyone was so surprised. We almost didn’t believe what we saw,” she said. “I was super happy and thankful that I got my phone back,” said Ina.
Unfortunately, the time the phone spent in the ocean rendered it unusable. It took too much damage from the saltwater. But Ina was happy to have her phone back either way.
As for the whale, its future is uncertain, but probably bright. Experts aren’t exactly sure why the whale is as friendly as it is but they assume that it’s due to a great deal of exposure and training by humans. It’s unclear if this exposure to humans has made the whale unable to live in the wild. Officials are considering relocating the whale to a sanctuary in Iceland where it will be allowed to live out a life in safety.
Hopefully the beluga whale won’t need to be fishing for any more phones any time soon.