Woman arrested for squeezing her boyfriend’s testicles so hard they started bleeding

A woman from Indian Harbour Beach, Florida became furious while having an argument with her boyfriend and in a fit of rage squeezed his testicles until they were bleeding.

Katie Lee Pitchford, 21, was put under arrest this summer after her boyfriend called the police to the home they both shared, presumably as he cried in agony while holding his destroyed testicles.

The police officers reported that the man’s face was also bruised and bloodied.

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According to the man, Pitchford attacked him during the night while he was asleep. He woke up to her crushing the life out of his balls. She reportedly also scratched him, hit him with a brush, and strangled him to the point that he was gasping for air. The victim told the police he didn’t hit back but tried to block her hits and eventually was able to get some distance from her for long enough to call for help.

Pitchford said her boyfriend became jealous about her wanting to go on a date with another man and then the fight escalated from verbal to… testicular obliteration?

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“The victim also stated the defendant ‘grabbed him by his balls and squeezed them until they were bleeding,’” the Indian Harbour Beach Police Department’s police report on the incident said.

She told the police she and her boyfriend had an argument but said it did not get physical. After she got arrested, Pitchford asked to talk to her boyfriend while she was at the back of the patrol car. The report said she told police that she wanted to tell her partner she was sorry.

She was charged with domestic battery and with violating her probation connected to a 2017 incident when she hit a law enforcement officer.

A Brevard County judge ordered her to cut ties with her boyfriend and said she could not return to his home to get her belongings without the presence of police officers.

Often, domestic abuse is put onto males, but, it is becoming far too prevalent with females also. As a just society, we have to speak out against all kinds of violence toward anyone.

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