A veterinarian voluntarily treats homeless people’s pets in California

Poverty has forced thousands of people to live in the streets in the past decade. They are facing unthinkably difficult challenges every day. Luckily, there are still good souls out there who are willing to help the unfortunate ones.

Posted by Dr. Kwane Stewart on Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The veterinarian Stewart Kwane is one of these benevolent people.

He knows the real meaning of empathy when it comes to the invisible lives of those inhabiting the hostile streets. Since 2011, he has been on a mission to help the pets of homeless Californians. He treats animal allergies, skin and ear infections, flea infestations, bad teeth, and even arthritis.

Posted by Dr. Kwane Stewart on Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Along with working directly with the unsheltered ones and their pets, Stewart also raises donations.

They would help him cover the expensive surgeries his four-legged patients need. A minor treatment like an ear infection can cost around $100. Dr. Kwane shares on his GoFundMe page:

“Some of the pets I come across need treatment (life-saving in some cases) that can be very costly and it’s hard to ever say no to a pet that’s suffering.”

Posted by Dr. Kwane Stewart on Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The veterinarian also shows his tremendous appreciation for the people who have already helped his heartfelt initiative.

What he’s mostly moved by is the rare goodness he sees in the people whose pets he treats.

“Working on the streets I’ve experienced some of the most genuine stories of love, compassion, struggle and hope.”

Posted by Dr. Kwane Stewart on Tuesday, December 10, 2019

While selflessly helping the unfortunate ones, Stewart is also spreading his generosity and kindness through his TV series “The Street Vet”. He firmly believes that through his show he would help raise awareness of the problem and encourage others to ‘give a little back, too’. His future plans are to bring more specialists like himself who would gladly help the ones in need.

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