This Young Girl Is Actually a Guy in His 50s Playing With FaceApp

No, this is not a teenage girl. This is a 53-year-old man messing around with FaceApp. 

Credits: @zaitaku_iyada / Instagram

In the age of hashtags and filters, using an application such as FaceApp to touch up your pictures is something completely normal. However, many people are using the app not only to change the lighting of their photos but to transform their whole personalities.

For instance, this 53-year-old Japanese man is turning himself into a 20-something-year-old woman. His social media accounts are filled with pictures where he looks like a beautiful young lady. As Oddity Central reveals, the magic is possible thanks to the application’s switch gender option.

Credits: @zaitaku_iyada / Instagram

In fact, the hero of our story has gained thousands of followers while posting gender-swapped selfies. The Japanese man, who was always straightforward with his fans, explains:

“I’m addicted to FaceApp, and I’m uploading selfie photos with cute processing.”

He adds:

“I’m an uncle in his 50s who usually works from home.”

Credits: @zaitaku_iyada / Instagram

While some netizens disapprove of the 53-year-old man’s hobby, others applaud him for using social media and gender-swap technology to simply have fun. Apparently, those who enjoy seeing our hero’s photo editing skills are a lot more, as he has a whopping 13.5k followers on Instagram and another 7k on Twitter.

Credits: @zaitaku_iyada / Instagram

Have you used FaceApp? What do you think of this man’s bizarre hobby? Leave a comment to let us know!

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