There are plenty of ways to raise the bar of sexiness in your relationship.
But these 6 are lesser-known, and a bit stranger than you might expect.
We all have those moments where we feel like we want to add some spice to our relationship. We cook special meals, we wear the little black dress, we caress just the right spot on your neck- we do the things we know are sexy.
But what about the lesser-known things?
The following 6 definitely fall into that category. Here are some of the surprising, and strange things your man finds sexy:
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1. Your Scent
It’s true, your man loves your scent- and I’m not talking about your perfume. There is actually some science behind how your body odor attracts your partner.
Our bodies contain a large bundle of molecules, called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). This MHC has a direct effect on the genetic structure of our immune system, including what our body odor smells like.
Psychologist Rachel Herz says, “Body odor is an external manifestation of the immune system, and the smells we think are attractive come from the people who are most genetically compatible with us.”
2. Confidence
For example, dancing. Yes, even if you are the most uncoordinated person in the world. If you aren’t afraid to have fun and let loose once in a while, with complete disregard to how anyone else perceives you, then you’ve got confidence. And, you guessed it, men find confidence extremely sexy.
3. Interest In Something He Enjoys
Does he like video games? Pick up a controller one day and join him on the battlefield. Does he enjoy whipping up incredible meals in the kitchen? Ask questions about his process and offer to help.
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Whatever it is, find something that he really enjoys, and get involved in it. Show some interest in the things that matter to him. Not only is this a turn on for most men, it helps to establish a solid foundation for the relationship.
4. Being A Little Messy
Not a complete slob- a little messy. Guys appreciate a little chaos in their environment now and again. Plus, if you relax on the level of neatness, they can relax a bit too, which makes things less stressful for everyone.
Let the dishes pile up for a night, leave the clothes on the floor- deal with it in the morning and just enjoy each other’s company tonight.
5. Reading
Men like women who read. Maybe it’s because readers are scientifically proven to be more open-minded and empathetic. Two studies from 2006 and 2009, published by Raymond Mar, a psychologist at York University in Canada, and Keith Oatley, a professor of cognitive psychology at the University of Toronto, further explain this proven theory.
6. Intelligence
It’s not just the name of our page, it is 100% true as well.
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Speaking a foreign language, holding a conversation and eloquently stating your position, having a thirst for knowledge, discussing the endless possibilities beyond our galaxy…
Regardless if you are a man or a women, you know intelligence is sexy.
By Raven Fon