5 Simple Things To Remember When You’ve Hit Rock Bottom

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it” – Charles R. Swindoll

One day you’re feeling on top of the world and the next day you could be on the floor crying because nothing makes sense anymore and you’ve “hit rock bottom”. This is life, and in the end we have a choice in how long we want to feel a particular feeling.

Life is a series of events both good and bad, positive and negative. It’s up to us to remember that our happiness is dependent on our reaction to these events. We can choose to wallow in our emotions or we can choose to feel them and then release them. Nothing in life lasts forever, including our feelings.

When you feel like you have hit rock bottom and there is no way up and no light at the end of the tunnel it’s important to remember these three simple things:

1. No matter how old, we are always learning

Some call life the school of hard knocks and rightfully so. We are so blessed to experience life with all it’s ups and downs, because with each new experience we are given a chance to learn and grow. In times of heartache it’s hard to see how it could be good for us but when the pain passes we come out stronger and wiser than before, more “equipt” to handle the next situation life hands us.

2. This too shall pass

Nothing lasts forever, including feelings. It’s important to feel your emotions and analyze it. Try and identify the reason for your feelings, acknowledge them and then release them. Now I know when we are sad or angry it’s harder to let go, but if you realize that every moment spent wallowing in negative emotions is a moment passed for feeling positive emotions you will realize how precious each moment is.

3. Life will never give you something you can’t handle

If you were able to wake up and open your eyes this morning, know that you have been given another day to rewrite your story. You are the creator of your own reality and that is where your power lies. Each situation thrown at you is perfectly made for you! Never forget that you are worth more than your sadness and that you deserve nothing but the best in life, however, it’s up to you to dust yourself off and get there.

4. There is always a silver lining.

Just above the dark stormy clouds there are blue skies and rainbows, and above the blue skies, the stars. We are surrounded by beauty and just by knowing this we are given hope, even in the darkest of times. Remember that no storm will last forever and that after each storm there is an opportunity for new growth.

5. Happiness is a state of mind and gratitude is key

It’s impossible to be happy all the time but if we use choose to look on the positive side of life, even in our darkest moments we are bound to start a chain reaction which will eventually get us to a positive mind state. When you wake up each day, list the things you are grateful for and slowly but surely you will see a change in the way you view the world and each situation you are given. In this life and society it’s important to adopt an attitude of gratitude. The fact that you are able to wake up, experience and feel is a blessing and something to be grateful for.

No matter how hard things may get just remember, this too shall pass, you can choose how long you want to feel a particular feeling and that gratitude is the key to achieving a state of content and happiness.

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