Teen with heavily damaged lungs starts anti-vaping campaign from her hospital bed

An 18-year-old girl who was about to lose her life after vaping almost destroyed her lungs has launched a campaign cautioning people about the risks of electronic cigarettes – all while laying in her hospital bed.

Simah Herman shared the photos of her holding up handwritten signs on her Instagram page.

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About 2 years ago i started having terrible nausea issues. that turned into being unable to eat, sleep and just live normally. 2 weeks ago i started having trouble breathing. it took 48 hours for my lungs to fail which led to me being put on a ventilator. This is all because of vaping. Vaping is advertised as “a healthier alternative to smoking” which is false. whether it’s nicotine or weed vaping can be fatal. I was lucky. the doctors didn’t think i was going to make it but with prayers from family and friends i pulled through after almost a week on a ventilator. No one thinks this will happen to them and neither did i which is why i kept vaping. It took less than 48 hours for me to be put in a drug induced coma and a tube put down my throat because i could no longer breathe on my own. The dangers of vaping are real and this can happen to you. Please don’t let it. It’s not easy to quit, nicotine is a very addictive chemical but the more you vape the more likely you are to end up where i did. take action and don’t let this happen. please tell your family and friends the dangers of vaping because no one realizes until they’re put in a situation so serious. i’m sharing my story so you don’t have to have your own. get help please and if you need someone to talk to i’m here to help anyone who needs it. Don’t let vaping win. take back your life and quit smoking. it’s just not worth it. @truthorange #bigtobacco #vapecommunity #smokingkills #dangersofvaping #dangersofsmoking #vape #juul (i didn’t end up having pneumonia. the signs of respiratory failure from vaping make it look like pneumonia, if they didn’t find that first i would have died)

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Another photo shows her lying in bed after she was placed into a medically induced coma. Simah said her symptoms began emerging two years prior when she first started feeling sick on a regular basis. Two-years prior, she also started having issues breathing. Doctors put her on a ventilator and her lungs flopped in 48 hours.


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About 2 years ago i started having terrible nausea issues. that turned into being unable to eat, sleep and just live normally. 2 weeks ago i started having trouble breathing. it took 48 hours for my lungs to fail which led to me being put on a ventilator. This is all because of vaping. Vaping is advertised as “a healthier alternative to smoking” which is false. whether it’s nicotine or weed vaping can be fatal. I was lucky. the doctors didn’t think i was going to make it but with prayers from family and friends i pulled through after almost a week on a ventilator. No one thinks this will happen to them and neither did i which is why i kept vaping. It took less than 48 hours for me to be put in a drug induced coma and a tube put down my throat because i could no longer breathe on my own. The dangers of vaping are real and this can happen to you. Please don’t let it. It’s not easy to quit, nicotine is a very addictive chemical but the more you vape the more likely you are to end up where i did. take action and don’t let this happen. please tell your family and friends the dangers of vaping because no one realizes until they’re put in a situation so serious. i’m sharing my story so you don’t have to have your own. get help please and if you need someone to talk to i’m here to help anyone who needs it. Don’t let vaping win. take back your life and quit smoking. it’s just not worth it. @truthorange #bigtobacco #vapecommunity #smokingkills #dangersofvaping #dangersofsmoking #vape #juul (i didn’t end up having pneumonia. the signs of respiratory failure from vaping make it look like pneumonia, if they didn’t find that first i would have died)

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Her post says:

“This is all a direct result of vaping.”
“Vaping is publicized as ‘a more beneficial option in contrast to smoking’ which is false.

“Regardless of whether its nicotine or weed vaping can be deadly. I was fortunate. The doctors didn’t think I was going to make it, however with petitions from family and companions I pulled through after just about seven days on a ventilator.”

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2 moods of being 18

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Simah’s condition deteriorated rapidly after her admittance to the clinic. She went on saying:

“It took less than 48 hours for me to be put in a drug-induced coma and a tube put down my throat because I could no longer breathe on my own. The dangers of vaping are real and this can happen to you. Please don’t let it.”

A short history of Simah’s health

“I didn’t end up having pneumonia. The signs of respiratory failure from vaping make it look like pneumonia if they didn’t find that first I would have died.”

Her post has almost $1million likes up until now.

The case comes after a progression of vape-linked sicknesses and in some cases fatalities. Furthermore, recently another young person from Pensylvania was also placed into a state of coma. Doctors, as well as his family, accepted that vaping is to blame for his twofold pneumonia.

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One more time?

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19-year-old Kevin Boclair started vaping when he was in secondary school. As of recently, he developed a coughing fit, which eventually escalated to a couple of days of vomiting.

He was later moved to the ICU at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, where he was also put in a state of induced coma. He was found to have twofold pneumonia; a disease which causes aggravation in the alveoli of the lungs. Doctors have said that he could possibly be in need of a twofold lung transplant.

Similar to Simah, Kevin’s family is motivating youngsters to stop vaping.

For more info on the vaping epidemic, check out the video below.

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