Ted Cruz calls for DOJ investigation into ‘Cuties’ filmmakers and Netflix

Republican Senator Ted Cruz is calling on the Justice Department to launch an investigation into Netflix’s latest project “Cuties” due to its depiction of children in a number of sexually suggestive dances and imagery as well as what he refers to as “the production and distribution of child pornography.”

“The video streaming service and content-producer Netflix is currently hosting a film entitled ‘Cuties’ that sexualizes young girls, including through dance scenes that stimulate sexual activities and a scene exposing a minor’s bare breast,” Cruz wrote in a letter to Attorney General Barr last weekend.

“I urge the Department of Justice to investigate the production and distribution of this film to determine whether Netflix, its executives, or the individuals involved in the filming and production of ‘Cuties’ violated any federal laws against the production and distribution of child pornography.”

The film is directed by Maïmouna Doucouré and was released on September 9.

It tells the story of an 11-year-old French and Senegalese girl who encourages her dancing friends to learn provocative dance moves. Apparently, this is how she reclaims her femininity…

The controversial project was being criticized even before Netflix’s official release due to its poster, which people say sexualized the children starring in the film.

The hashtag #CancelNetflix stormed Twitter last week, with conservative cultural commentators including FOX’s Laura Ingraham criticizing the film, which, according to them, promotes pedophilia as well as child sex trafficking.

Ted Cruz, who is the latest political figure to join the crowd of conservatives who criticize “Cuties”, said in his opinion the scenes referenced are

“in of themselves harmful, and it is likely that the filming of this movie created even more explicit and abusive scenes, and pedophiles across the world in the future will imitate and manipulate this film in abusive ways.”

See Maïmouna Doucouré’s interview on The Wrap in the video below.

What are your thoughts on Netflix’s disturbing new film? Let us know by joining the conversation in the comments and please share to spread awareness on this issue. 

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