Target Has The Most Amazing Breastfeeding Policy And Nursing Rooms

Target, the most joyous place on earth, unsurprisingly has come up with the most wonderful breastfeeding policy.

A Texas-based Target put up a sign making customers aware that if they want to breastfeed their babies in the open they can go for it.

Facebook group Breastfeeding Mama Talk, shared the heartwarming note almost two weeks ago, which was met with a positive and overwhelming response on their page.

“At Target, you are free to nurse wherever and whenever you like while you shop because we think #momsrock,” the company note said.

Target additionally notified their customers that if it makes them more comfortable, there are designated nursing rooms as well.

“But, if you would like a comfy (or more private) spot to nurse or change a diaper, please ask our Fitting Room Attendant about our Nursing Room!”  the note continues.

Moms in the comment section are swapping stories about how supportive team members have been of them and their infants.

A manager gave me a free water & pretzel when I was nursing a few years ago because she remembered how hungry BFing made her. I love Target ❤, said one mom.

The lady in the dressing room couldn’t have been nicer when my son was having a total melt down while I was shopping. I tried to time his feedings between shopping time but he had other ideas! They made me feel so comfortable when I was so nervous as a first time mom breastfeeding in a public place! Thank you, Target!, said another.

Target’s nursing rooms were originally introduced to about 40 remodeled stores, but following the positive reactions of moms, they decided to include them in every store remodeling plan.

Much love to goes out to Target! Hopefully, other businesses are taking notes!

How do you feel about Target’s breastfeeding policy? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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