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5 Ways to Deal With Verbal Abuse at Work

Verbal abuse in the workplace is bullying.  And while we won’t hesitate to intervene if we witness a child being bullied, the workplace is a different landscape, isn’t it?  An astounding  72 percent of the adult  Americans are familiar…

The Top 10 Traits That Make You Likable

Monday morning you’re at work, eager to share weekend news. You’re on the lookout for a certain coworker because,  “She’s just so easy to talk with, “ or, “It’s always great when he’s around”. Maybe friends are looking for you, for the…

10 Essentials to Bring on a Road Trip

I love long road trips. Though a glance out my window today still shows Spring in the Rockies, a mix of rain and light snow, or, “snizzle”,  it’s not too soon to plan for summer travel.   And, like most of us,  when I feel safe, I feel…

Yes, You CAN Trust Your Intuition

We are born instinctual, where our impulse to act is informed by our body. Faced with danger, we experience a discharge from the sympathetic nervous system. Our heart rate and breathing increase, muscles contract, and the choice of “fight…

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