Stop Trying Please Everyone And Just Be Yourself

Be kind. Be respectful. Smile at others. But more importantly, be yourself. 

Ever since we were children, our parents always taught us we should always be kind to other people, no matter the situation. And I don’t know about you, but I was raised in a family where turning the other cheek was the norm. It is a value that some of the older generations followed strictly.

I grew up with the idea that being kind to everyone is something I always had to be. And so that is how I acted. People were always people, but I was kind and respectful. I believed that I always had to be tolerant and incredibly patient. And that is how I treated others. People were nasty, disrespectful, and intolerant, but I kept on turning the other cheek. I was always looking for ways to justify their ugly actions. I learned to calm myself down in order to keep the peace around me.

Until one day I couldn’t take it anymore.

I still remember these days like it was yesterday. Everyone in my life knew me as a soft person… Some thought I was weak and even called me a coward. But turning the other cheek didn’t help me here. And that is when I finally understood that being nice has nothing to do with being kind.

So I started standing up for myself and spoke my mind more often.

And naturally, people were surprised by the new me, including my parents. They never saw me stand up for myself before and didn’t know what to think of it. But I didn’t care either way. From then on I decided that I would never let others trample over me again. I promised myself that I would always speak my mind and speak the truth, no matter if people would take offense.

And you should do the same!

Stop trying to please others. You don’t have to be nice to everyone. Not everyone in your life will like you, and that’s alright. Just be your true unapologetic self and you’ll be much happier for it.

Sure, some will dislike you, and some will even hate you from the bottom of their hearts, but the people who truly matter will always love you for who you are. Being at peace with who you are after years of trying to please everyone will help you understand how healthy self-care and self-love actually are for you.

You will start putting your own needs first and you will finally come to understand that expressing your own opinions and having a tough attitude does not make you a bad person.

In fact, it makes you one of the most unique kinds of people in the world. A strong-willed independent person who sticks up for themselves and others and follows their own path in life.

So stop trying to please everyone because you don’t have to. Just be who you are and I promise you, that is when people will truly appreciate you.

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