The story of the former scavenger girl who became a valedictorian and received a full university scholarship; a modern day rags to riches tale that inspired millions

The story of a young lady who was formerly a scavenger living at a garbage dump, making a living by collecting trash, recently went viral after she graduated from college and was accepted into a prestigious university in Australia.

When she was little, Sophie lived with her family at a garbage dump in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

.And just as many other children living there, she did not have the opportunity to go to school. Instead, she had to work all day long, looking for trash that could eventually be sold to recyclers for some change. It was their only way to put food into their hungry stomachs.

Photo Credit: CCF

When Sophie was 11 years of age the Cambodian Children’s Fund (CCF) visited the area in order to take desperate children out of the garbage dump so that they could go to school.

Sophie had never attended school before, and yet, thanks to her strong determination, she was able to catch up on lessons quickly.

More importantly, she kept on studying hard and went on to excel in her studies, which in turn lead her to graduate as a valedictorian at Trinity College, Melbourne, Australia.

Photo Credit: CCF

In her valedictory speech, Sophie addressed the crowd with inspirational words spoken in fluent English.

She is now set to study at the University of Melbourne after receiving a full scholarship. 


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But before starting her university course, Sophie plans to take a break in her home country, where she hopes to help children living in similar conditions as she once did.

As her story gained popularity, Sophie became an inspiration for many young people around the world, and for good reason!

What do you think about Sophie’s transformational journey? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below. 

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