Nurse Receives Note Criticizing Her For Leaving Her House During Lockdown

A nurse came back from long shift at her hospital to see a note pushed through her front door in which she was called a disgrace for leaving her house during the lockdown.

Nurse Bex Williams arrived at her Cambridgeshire home from a 12-hour-long shift at Petersborough Hospital to find a piece of paper angrily criticizing her for going out.

The note read:

‘You are a disgrace and you have been reported! Stay at Home Saves Lives’.

Bex commented by saying:

‘At first I thought it was a good will gesture letter after other nurses have received lovely gifts and messages on their cars and doorsteps.

‘When I opened the note my heart just pounded in my throat.

‘I just couldn’t believe how awful it was.’

Image credit: Daily Mail

Bex was already having a hard time lately due to work and having to leave her kids with her brother while she is away.

It is still unclear who posted the note but she believes it could be her neighbour.

‘Most neighbours know I am a single mum who has to drop my children off at my brother’s house to look after them,’ she said.

Deb Leighton, Bex’s mother, shared a message on social media saying:

“To the vile, malicious, person who posted this through my daughter’s letterbox.

She has just returned from the first of three night shifts as a frontline nurse at Peterborough hospital.

She’s a lone parent and my son has her children whilst she works as I’m classed as high risk and can’t have them at the moment.

To come home to this after working.

You are the disgrace.

She’s upset and probably won’t be able to sleep today before going back to work tonight.

I really hope you don’t need her or her hardworking colleagues’ services during this crisis.

A little fact checking would have gone a long way instead of hiding behind an anonymous note through her door.

I hope you’re proud of yourself.”

Bex Williams. Image source: Facebook

According to Deb, the incident has added to the stress and anxiety her daughter was already having a difficult time coping with due to worrying about her children and work.

She later posted again saying:

“The fact that the sender chose to hide behind a cloak of anonymity has taken her (Bex’s) right to recourse away from her.

Had the sender had the guts to knock on her door they could have been given the full facts and circumstances.

Please if you feel the need to tackle someone about their seemingly selfish behaviour make sure you have the full facts first.”

Large numbers of people responded in support of Bex after her mother made the post.

Bex has expressed her thanks for all the encouragement she has received.

‘It has helped to make me feel better and I really appreciate people’s support at this time,’ she said.

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