New Mother, 29, Dies From COVID-19 Without Being Able To Hold Her Newborn Baby

A new mother who brought a baby boy into the world was not able to hold him or see him before she passed away due to COVID-19.

British mom Fozia Hanif, 29, died in Birmingham Heartlands Hospital on April 8 shortly after her ventilator was switched off.

Only six days before her passing, she gave birth to her son Ayaan Hanif Ali in her 31st week of pregnancy.

The baby had to be taken to ICU after his mother’s condition worsened.

Fozia was only able to see her son in photos taken by her husband and the hospital nurses.

Fozia Hanif. Image source ITV News

Before going to the hospital, Hanif was tested for the virus after it was made clear she had a fever as she went for a maternity check-up.

“They said we’re going to keep her here to find out and we’re going to do a Covid test and they kept her for two days.

“The test came back positive and the next day they said it was mild and you can go home.

“After four days she had difficulty breathing and we called the ambulance,” Wajid Ali, Hanif’s husband siad according to ITV News.

The mother could not have visitors and was only allowed to make a few phone calls per day.

Ayaan Hanif Ali, Fozia’s newborn son. Image source: ITV News

She had to give birth through cesarean due to her bad condition.

After her son was born, the family was notified that Fozia was getting better. However, six days later she passed.

Wajid Ali, the baby’s father: Image source ITV News

Her father said:

“It gave us proper hope, we got excited. They took her to the recovery ward, they gave her the phone, we actually spoke to her.

When we walked into the hospital when they said they were going to turn the machines off, I said no don’t turn it off until we arrive, she’s a fighter, she can pull through – but when we walked in there, we just kept praying.”

Her sister said:

“She had no time at all.

She was asking for food, she was asking about the baby, she was asking about family and then all of a sudden … It was just a shock to us all.”

Fozia’s son does not carry the virus but remains in hospital care.

For ITV News’ report on the story, please see the video below.

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