This Networking App Is Going To Change Your Life

It’s Time To Reach Your Full Potential

To keep your mind active and make the most of every day, you should continually challenge yourself to meet new people. There are few things that contribute as much to our mental and spiritual well being. We tend to stay in our known circles because of the safety and familiarity of those groups, but doing so limits your true potential. Networking can spark ideas, broaden your perspective, and lead to myriad of opportunities. The easiest way to make meaningful connections is by testing out Shapr, a free app for meeting others.

Shapr is the perfect hybrid between LinkedIn and dating apps – it’s easy to use and lets you quickly browse profiles, only the focus is on meeting people for professional needs instead of romantic reasons. Shapr is all about getting you offline, meeting your matches face to face or over Skype. The result is a community of over one million people who want to help each other out, and who understand the value of human relationships.

Your Career Will Thank You

Aside from the mental health benefits of growing your network, Shapr will be a game changer for your career. Each conversation started through Shapr will help you get your foot in a door at interesting companies and discover new projects and opportunities. Users of Shapr have formed companies, found investors, changed industries, and gotten job offers.

When you create your profile on Shapr, the first step will be to add up to ten #interests that help the app’s algorithm suggest who to meet. Want to be found by a recruiter? Add points of interest that highlight your skills and what you love most such as #marketing or #blogging. Trying to find that next big opportunity? Add tags that outline the type of person you think can help you reach that next level. Need someone to help you get your idea off the ground? Add #venturecapitalist or #entrepreneur to your profile to meet people who can help you put your ideas into action.

Use The App To Give Back

If you don’t have an immediate need to network and you’re happy with where you are in your career, use Shapr to give back by becoming a mentor to more junior professionals in your field. Find others who may be looking for a bit of guidance and offer advice. Being a mentor will help you feel good about helping others, reflect on what you’ve learned throughout your career, and get energized by meeting people just getting started. You may even find the perfect intern for your next project!

So What Are You Waiting For

Shapr makes it incredibly easy to meet curious, open-minded people. Whether networking for a specific need or just looking to change up your routine and keep your mind alert, meeting people through the app will help you grow your career, your mindfulness and your network. This app may introduce your next co-founder, or it may challenge you to think in a fresh way.

Download Shapr here!

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