Awesome! Morgan Freeman is Doing Something Incredible For The Honeybees With His 124-Acre Ranch!

Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman has converted his 124-acre Mississippi ranch into a giant bee sanctuary, reported Forbes.
Freeman has imported a total of 26 bee hives from Arkansas to his own ranch, where he has also planted bee-friendly plants, including clover, lavender and magnolia trees.
The Oscar-winning actor made mention of his beekeeping hobby on Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show back in 2014.
“I’ve discovered I don’t have to put on a bee suit or anything to feed them,” Morgan said to Fallon. “I’ve never been stung. I’m never gonna get stung.”
In another interview with Larry King, Freeman said: “There’s been a frightening loss of bee colonies, particularly in this county to such an extent that the scientists are now saying, ‘This is dangerous.'”
Bees have been experiencing a frightening decline in numbers across the globe.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture revealed that between April 2015 and April 2016, beekeepers have lost nearly half their colonies. Unsurprisingly, reports of this kind have led to major criticisms of pesticides used in farming.
It is not easy to measure what kind of an impact Freeman’s efforts may have on the bee populations in Nort America, but his hobby is certainly an inspiring gesture of goodwill toward those tiny vitally important to our planet creatures.