Joining an online moms’ group can be really beneficial for new parents, and also for some more experienced ones. In suchlike groups, you can seek advice and receive the mental support you need. Besides, you can connect with other people in a similar situation to yours.
Sometimes, being a part of a moms’ group can lead to something extremely wonderful like saving a life!
Robin Bliven of Atlanta, Georgia, has come to a point in her life when she needed to join a moms group. So she did.
At first, she didn’t have any particular expectations. Not long after, the other moms became her best friends. When she had her hardest times, they were there to hold her hand. While Robin’s 11-month-old baby was in surgery, as he was diagnosed with cancer, the other moms were right beside her.
They joined forces to help little Callum Rescsanski keep her precious life!
On Sept. 23, Robin posted a heartwarming picture of Andrea Alberto, mother from the online group.
Even though she didn’t know Robin so well, and she had never Callum, she selflessly donated a piece of her own liver so he could survive in the battle with cancer.
People can say a lot of things about mom’s groups on the internet. Here’s what I can tell you about mine:-When I was…
Posted by Robin Dutro Bliven on Monday, September 23, 2019
Robin shares her appreciation of Andrea and all the other moms that reached out to help her baby:
“People can say a lot of things about moms groups on the Internet. Here’s what I can tell you about mine… when this little sack of sugar, Cal, needed a LIVER from a live donor in order to survive, over 100 moms from my group called to be screened as potential donors.”
Andrea Alberto of Boston, Massachusetts, did something amazing!
Although she has enough problems on her shoulders, as she’s a single mom of two, she didn’t hesitate to help. When she heard that Cal could live a normal life after this life-saving liver surgery, she knew she had to try to save this brave little boy.
Right after she got the news that she could be Cal’s donor, she headed to the hospital. During an interview for TODAY, Andrea says:
“I knew organ donation was something I would be willing to do, so when I found out Cal was being listed for transplant, it was a very easy decision.”
The 10-hour surgery was a success! With the healthy piece of Andrea’s liver, Cal now has the opportunity to live as a normal human being, and that’s wonderful! Both Callum and Andrea are recovering well from the liver donation.
Even though Andrea literally saved someone’s life, she doesn’t see herself as a hero.
All she seeks is awareness of the issue.
“I can’t tell you how many people had no idea liver donation was possible, and even those that know typically don’t realize an adult can donate to an infant. And there are lots of babies out there waiting on a healthy liver.”
Her only wish is for people not to wait until it’s a family or friend who needs an organ donation.
Someone out there needs help. All we have to do is find out if we’re a match and contribute to saving someone’s life.