If she is not your priority, please move on and don’t waste her time.
Never take her for granted and don’t treat her like she’s just a number. Don’t lead her on to believe that you’re deeply interested in her just because you think it’s worth the effort so you can get in her pants.
If she is not your first choice, don’t question her about her life, her wants, her needs, and her deepest desires. Do not make her believe that you’re madly in love. Don’t let her share her secrets with you. Don’t make her talk about her weak spots. Do not try to convince her that she is in good hands with you, because you know damn well that she is not.
If she’s just another hot girl for you, don’t make a fool of her by telling her you want to share your life with her.
If you’re not ready to settle, don’t lead her on to believe your intentions are pure. Don’t make her fall for you if all you want is just to have some fun. Do not play with her heart if you aren’t ready to love her with every fiber of your being.
If she’s not your first choice, don’t stop her from chasing her own dreams. Don’t waste her time only to shatter her heart in the end. Don’t tell her you’ll always be by her side when she falls head over heels in love with you. Don’t pretend to be jealous only to fill an empty spot in your aimless life. Do not tell lies about her being the only one you’ll ever need in life and don’t make a fool of her. She deserves better, and you know it.
If you aren’t serious about her, please don’t expect her to take you seriously too.
She’s searching for true love, not games. She believes in deep bonding and she’s the kind of woman that would do anything to make her other half happy. But don’t expect her to do all these things for you if you’re not willing to love her with the same intensity.
If she is not special to you, leave her be. Stop messing with her peace and move on.
Stop giving her little crumbles of hope only to disappoint her in the end. Stop manipulating her and stop pretending you’ll be by her side in times of need. Be a real man and spare her the heartache. Leave her in peace before it’s too late. Walk away and don’t make her cry.
You will never be able to understand her and give her the love she deserves. Let her go her way and find the one she will be truly happy with.
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