How can we overcome the effects of an abusive childhood?

Emotional and verbal abuse can be brought down from generation to generation without anyone realizing it and the damage it inflicts can stay with a person for their whole life. Sometimes we are subjected to things we don’t even realize are happening to us. We are carrying a heavy burden in ourselves and it is slowly eating us from the inside.

These can be the effects of an abusive childhood.

Coming to terms with an abusive childhood and overcoming the effects of abusive parenting is not easy.

Here is how you can manage it:

1. Seek help

Establishing a support network filled with friends and loved ones will help you get the objective perspective needed to regain trust in your own feelings so you can start living a more relaxed life.

2. Learn to identify and express your emotions

Try maintaining a diary of thoughts and document your emotions in order to feel the reason behind them and change the way in which you respond to them.

Take small risks at first, and gradually start opening up more. It can be a slow process, but eventually, people will start accepting you as your truest self. In turn, this will grant you peace and a higher self-esteem.

3. Trust your friends

Trust can be the hardest thing you find yourself dealing with. It is difficult to trust a person who has let you down before. But in time, you will understand that being closed off to the world while judging your friends isn’t the right way to deal with it. Give them another chance.

4. Practice self-love

In order to prevent our thoughts from spiraling down many of us find ourselves indulging in compulsive behavior. It can be anything from overeating to excessive shopping and work. Once you find yourself indulging in such behavior, work on toning it down.

After you take it under control, start taking good care of yourself; emotionally, mentally, and physically.

5. Delve deeper into the topic

There is a plethora of books with helpful information about abusive families. They will guide you in your quest to emotional freedom.

Here’s a list of books that you might find helpful:

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