Female bus driver beaten by woman passenger who refused to wear face mask in Germany

A female bus driver was attacked by a passenger refusing to wear a mask on the bus. 

The disturbing incident occurred near Frankfurt, Germany, on Tuesday night. This attack comes only weeks after a French bus driver was left brain dead for asking passengers to wear masks.

The bus driver was severely injured by a female passenger who refused to follow the orders to put a face mask on while on the bus, Daily Mail reports.

Police are currently searching for the suspect. They have revealed that the attacker is a woman aged between 20 and 30. She was part of a small group, including a child and three men. The group immediately fled the scene after the assault in the city of Darmstadt in Hesse, near Frankfurt.

Darmstadt Mayor Jochen Partsch has condemned the distressing incident. As Web24News reveals, the mayor said:

“The people to whom this violence is committed are representative of all of us, and they are doing their job to protect us all. The currently increasing disrespect and violence against security forces, but also against fire departments, rescue and relief services and other employees in the public service must be stopped.”

Reportedly, the female attacker and her companions got on the bus at Darmstadt Central Station. None of them was wearing face masks or coverings, which is mandatory while using public transport, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

At first, the gang ignored the driver’s requests to put masks on. Then, they started verbally insulting her. The suspect hit the driver several times as she left the bus.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first incident where bus drivers are being assaulted by passengers refusing to wear masks. 

A few weeks earlier, a French bus driver was left brain dead after asking passengers to put masks on while on the bus. Mr. Monguillot’s family said he had later died from severe brain injuries.

In the UK, a passenger hit with a beer can and repeatedly kicked a Bournemouth bus driver for the very same reason.

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