Father unable to visit son during cancer treatment finds adorable way to make him smile again

A loving father has touched the hearts of many people around the world for doing the best he can to make sure his son keeps his good mood up during his leukemia treatment. 

When 14-year-old Aiden was going through a bad high fever accompanied by chills back in April, his parents Lori and Chuck Yielding brought him to the doctor, worried he may have caught Covid-19.

However, Aiden was diagnosed with leukemia and he began receiving chemotherapy at Cook Children’s Medical Center in Texas.

Due to pandemic restrictions, only one parent is permitted to be in the hospital with him while he goes through the procedure, and one special day Chuck, who waited outside, noticed his son was having a hard time and he set out to do anything he can to make him smile again.

Image credit: Cook Children’s

He found a place in the car park where his son could watch him from the window and ignored the people around him to do some awesome dad dancing.

Now, every Tuesday Chuck walks Aiden to the hospital door, sets himself up in the car park, and calls him for requests – with his son mirroring his father’s dances on the other side of the window if he is not too tired.

Image credit: Cook Children’s

Cook Children’s Medical Center shared footage of the touching moments on social media and it quickly went viral.

It was shared more than 74,000 times.

Image credit: Cook Children’s

The hospital explained:

“Aiden, 14, was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) toward the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Due to visitation restrictions, only one parent or caregiver is allowed into the medical center per patient.

“Every Tuesday while Aiden’s mom joins him in the clinic for cancer treatment, his dad, Chuck, stands outside and dances to lift Aiden’s spirits. Here is a highlight reel of Chuck’s best moves!”

Aiden, 14, was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) toward the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to…

Posted by Cook Children's on Tuesday, September 22, 2020

One deeply moved person in the comments said:

“GREAT JOB to that daddy!! Way to be present when you can’t be physically there! His wife and son will both never forget these moments.”

Another wrote:

“That’s awesome! I couldn’t imagine having one caregiver 24/7 and handling both Chemo and covid precautions. Stay strong Mama and Dad Positive Vibes to Aiden. You got this.”

And a third posted:

“What an amazing father! This is one of the best videos I have ever seen! True testament of a parent’s love!”

For KSDK’s report on the story, please see the video below.

What are your thoughts on this heartwarming story? Let us know by joining the conversation in the comments and please share this article if you’ve enjoyed the read. 

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