Supportive Father Gets On Stage To Dance Ballet With His Daughter

There is nothing a loving father cannot overcome, and this includes going up in front of a crowd to dance ballet in support of his shy 2-year-old daughter.

When little Bella began to lose her spirits during a ballet performance in Hamilton, Bermuda, her father Marc did not have to think twice before jumping on stage to save the day, while also carrying her baby sister, Suri in his arms.

The father of three even took part in the dance, having memorized some moves after practicing with his little darling for weeks.

“I asked if she wanted to dance with daddy and she nodded, so I thought I’d join in,” Marc Daniels told Caters News. “I’ve practiced with them at home on many occasions so it wasn’t unfamiliar to me.”

He expanded saying that was Bella’s first ballet recital on stage, and although she had been convincingly practicing her moves beforehand, Marc noticed that she seemed less confident during the final practice session before going on stage, and as soon as she began crying, he knew he had to step in.

“Despite having a tantrum, I can tell she wanted to stay on stage, and I didn’t want to discourage her before the big performance by making her be the only one to come off,” he added. “It was definitely instinctive [to jump on stage] and I really didn’t even consider my actions.”

Daniel’s sweet heroic dad gesture also earned him wild applause from the audience, and even an invitation to join the performers on his daughters’ next recital.

Marc continues to say: “Jurors, police officers and members of the prosecution have even been giving me twirls and plies as a token of appreciation for the video,”

“Even in court the other day, one of the magistrates made a comment about my moves that prompted the court to erupt into laughter.”

Marc Daniels and his loving family

You can see super-dad Marc’s full performance in the video below:

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