Fairfax PTA Official Forced To Resign After Wishing Death On Parents Who Oppose CRT

A Virginia Parent-Teacher Association authority figure gave her resignation after she was caught on camera saying those who are against the teaching of critical race theory can “die.”

A Saturday statement from the association read:

“Today, the Virginia PTA executive committee requested and received the resignation of Michelle Leete, who served as Vice President of Training.”

A tweet accompanying the statement read:

“The actions & rhetoric of Ms. Leete & all of the like-minded partisan supporters of the SB are deeply disappointing. It evinces a deep lack of concern for children & parents, particularly where the wellbeing of children & families clash with political considerations.”

Letee’s resignation comes after she was captured on video at a Thursday gathering criticizing and smearing people who stand against CRT and saying, “Let them die.”

“Let’s deny this off-key band of people that are anti-education, anti-teacher, anti-equity, anti-history, anti-racial … anti-opportunities, anti-help people, anti-diversity, [inaudible], anti-science, anti-change agent, anti-social justice, anti-health care, anti-worker, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-children, anti-health care, anti-worker, anti-environment, anti-admissions policy change, anti-inclusion, anti-live and let live – let them die!” she can be heard saying.

Strangely, Letee’s comments at Luther Jackson Middle School in Falls Church were met with applause and cheering.

Leete, who is also Fairfax County’s NAACP vice president, said about the opposition:

“Don’t let these uncomfortable people deter us from our own march forward.”

In its statement, the Virginia PTA also said that it did not approve of her sentiments adding that the group upholds “values of respect, collaboration and accountability.”

“While not speaking in her role within Virginia PTA, we do not condone the choice of words used during a public event on Thursday, July 15,” the statement read.

The story comes as concerned parents from all over the U.S. have stepped forward to denounce CRT being taught in schools.

In a video from last month, Tatiana Ibrahim, a mother in Carmel, said:

“My message to this district and the members of the Board of [Education]: Stop indoctrinating our children! Stop teaching our children to hate the police! Stop teaching our children that if they don’t agree with the LGBT community that they’re homophobic!”

For Fox News’ report on the story please see the video below.

What are your thoughts on Critical Race Theory being taught in schools? Let us know by joining the conversation in the comments and please share this article if you’ve found it informative.

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