Everyone is obsessed with this ‘humanlike’ faced dog

Meet Nori, the 1-year old Australian shepherd-poodle mix with a humanlike face.

You might wanna take a double look at him.

The puppy’s big almond-shaped eyes, pink lips, and intense gaze make his face look as if it’s human. This peculiar appearance made Nori an Internet sensation.

Credit: Tiffany Ngo

His owner Tiffany Ngo shared with The Dodo:

“I think Nori’s coloring is what makes him look human, especially his eyes. People like to say that his eyes make him seem very wise or soulful. He has a very expressive face — he even makes a disgusted face when I’m painting my nails and he smells the nail polish.”

Tiffany and her boyfriend Kevin got Nori last year after falling in love with his sweet nature and, of course, his unique appearance. Ngo said that the extraordinary puppy looked a lot more humanlike when he was little, probably because his fur was darker, so his eyes seemed light in comparison. However, she never imagined how much attention Nori would get for his special looks.

“It was funny when people would literally stop us from across the street so they could come over and meet Nori when he was a puppy. He was just a walking ball of fluff with a happy little face.”

As Nori is getting older, his looks are changing. However, you can still see his humanlike face features when he stands next to his dog brother, Boba.

Credit: Tiffany Ngo

Moreover, Ngo shares that she’s heard other crazy things about Nori’s looks.

“I overheard someone at a dog park say that Nori looks like Fizzgig from ‘The Dark Crystal. I think the funniest thing we’ve heard is Garth from ‘Wayne’s World.’ I’ve also had someone ask if his hair is styled curly and highlighted, which it isn’t.”

The happy owner added that Nori loves to play just like all the other dogs.

“Nori also really likes water and mud. He likes taking dips in the pool during the summer and seeking out mud puddles to plop his body in during the fall and winter.”

Tiffany has also created an Instagram account for Nori and his brother Boba and they are gaining more and more followers every day.

Credit: Tiffany Ngo

Ngo is happy that her lovely puppies are bringing joy to so many people.

“I love reading comments about how Nori and Boba have brightened a person’s day or lightened their mood,” Ngo said. “It’s nice knowing that their little selves may be making a positive difference in someone else’s life, no matter how small.”

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