Doctor Pulls 4-Foot Snake Out Of Woman’s Throat

Haunting footage captured the moment doctors pulled out a 4-foot-long snake from a Russian woman’s throat after it had entered her mouth while she slept outside, according to reports. 

A man in the video can be heard saying “Let’s see what this is,” while a clearly shocked doctor pulls out the serpent from the woman’s throat, the Sun reported.

It was not mentioned whether the creature was alive or how long it had been inside her stomach before the woman was brought to the hospital after feeling unwell.

The outlet noted it was not able to verify the authenticity of the footage.

Dagestan’s Ministry of Health in the Republic said it was investigating the video, according to the Sun.

Image source: NyPost

Chief doctor of the Levashinsky district hospital, Patimat Abdurshidova said she was not aware of such a procedure being performed at the facility. 

According to locals, such cases are infrequent as older citizens advise people not to sleep out in the open, due to the risk of snakes entering their mouths.

You can see the full video by clicking below.

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