Chinese Ice Cream Tests Positive For Coronavirus, According To Report

Thousands of boxes of Covid-contaminated ice cream from a Chinese company were confiscated after three samples tested positive for the virus.

This caused the Tianjin Daqiaodao Food Company to throw away more than 2000 boxes of the ice cream, even though authorities believe that more than double the amount has been contaminated, according to Sky News.

More than half of the toxic product had already been shipped for sale when the tests were made. Regulators in other provinces outside of Tianjin were immediately notified of the problem, and people who may have bought the ice cream are being told to report to their local health community officials.

The report says 1662 company workers were tested last week and were ordered to go into quarantine. 

Authorities believe the virus was able to survive in the ice cream due to the freezing temperature and was likely transferred from someone who had the disease.

In an interview for Sky News, Dr. Stephen Griggin, a virologist from the University of Leeds said the case was likely a “one-off” not a sign of a bigger problem with the company itself.

“Of course, any level of contamination is not acceptable and always a cause for concern, but the chances are that this is the result of an issue with the production plant and potentially down to hygiene at the factory,”  he said.

Investigators revealed the company produced the ice cream with ingredients including milk powder from New Zealand and whey powder from Ukraine.

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