China shutters gyms and pools amid fears of another spike of coronavirus

Is there a second coronavirus wave in China?

This question raised since gyms and swimming pools in Beijing have been shut down, which might indicate the possibility of another outbreak in the country.

The enclosing of these sports facilities comes days after a city of 10 million in north-west China was put under lockdown.

A second wave might block the president’s attempts to revive the nation’s economy, according to Mail Online.

Image credits: Chine News Service

By Monday, April 27th, there are 82,830 confirmed COVID-19 cases in China, with 4,633 fatalities.

However, there’s a widespread rumor that these numbers are invalid.

President Donald Trump is one of the leaders who have accused the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Beijing of conspiracy. There’s a belief that they are trying to downplay the coronavirus outbreak, and that the death toll might be much larger than what they claim it to be. Additionally, according to the US intelligence community, the virus escaped from a lab near Wuhan in an accident involving an intern.

What’s more, the UK’s Downing Street has removed China from the list of countries it uses to compare the spread of the virus. They believe that the country is covering up the urgency of the pandemic.

Currently, people returning to China are once again put under quarantine, as swimming pools and gyms are being shut down.

This could mean there might be a new spike of coronavirus.

Although since March 28th China had banned the entry of foreign nationals, it still has faced numerous cases caused by Chinese citizens wanting to return home, despite the risks of getting infected. For instance, in Shaanxi, there were confirmed a total of 30 new cases and 8 asymptomatic infections in people who had returned with a flight from Moscow, Russia, on April 20th.

The Sunday Telegraph contacted the owner of Upower Fitness in Beijing, Zhao Hui. The 30-years-old gym owner said:

“On April 16, after we passed the inspection, we were able to start a trial operation. Then on April 18, they suddenly asked us to close again. I felt very frustrated. We just saw hope, but then it was gone, and we could not operate again.”

The fears raised as in Harbin, Heilongjiang, more than 70 people have been infected with COVID-19, and over 4,000 are being tested, which caused the officials to quarantine the whole city of 10 million. Meanwhile, China announced that there were only two critically ill patients left in Wuhan, the former hub of the virus.

Presently, Harbin is believed to be grappling with what is now the country’s biggest coronavirus outbreak.

Image credits: REUTERS

On April 22nd, the government released a directive, including further restrictions on its locals and other visitors. One of the main points in the document says that all confirmed, suspected, asymptomatic cases and their close contacts will be put into strict quarantine.

Moreover, gatherings such as weddings, funerals, public performances, and conferences are currently banned. People who are self-isolating at home must also pass two nucleic acid tests, which detect the coronavirus, and one anti-body test, which shows if the person has had the virus in the past.

Harbin’s government declared it was ordering 28 days of quarantine for all arrivals from abroad, with two nucleic acid tests, and an antibody test for each.

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