China Lied About Origin Of COVID-19, Leaked Intelligence Dossier Says

A dossier leaked from the “Five Eyes” intelligence group suggests that China was not honest with the world about the transmission of the coronavirus, made whistleblowers disappear, and did not give the virus samples for the Western world to create a vaccine.

The shocking 15-page-long paper also hinted that some intelligence agencies are of the mind that the coronavirus may have been leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology – which was something that was dismissed by many as a conspiracy theory because the government of China kept pushing the narrative that the virus came out of the wet markets as per The Daily Telegraph.

Meanwhile, a source coming from senior levels of intelligence revealed to Fox News that while the majority of agencies are of the conviction that the coronavirus came from the Wuhan lab, “it was thought to have been released accidentally.”

The report comes thanks to the joined efforts of the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, who called China’s dodgy handling of the pandemic  “an assault on international transparency.”

It detailed the way China downplayed the pandemic around the globe while doing everything in their power to get rid of any evidence pointing to them, including cleaning wet market stalls with bleach, censoring any evidence of asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 and denying sample requests from other nations.

According to the report, Beijing began censoring search engines in order to block internet searches of the coronavirus since early December.

As a surprise to many, The World Health Organization echoed China’s side of the story and even denied that people could infect each other despite the concerns of other countries.

Intelligence sources show that the Chinese government did in fact have “evidence of human-human transmission from early December,” but kept on denying this reality until January 20, as per the document.

The dossier notes that China banned people from traveling throughout the country, but proceeded to tell the world that travel bans were not necessary.

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